Other Items
These are items that have been made but not yet bought by a city/guild (aka we don't know where to put them yet).
These Items are NOT FOR SALE.

Lion Sword
LionHeart, best weapon I got! Biggest price I got!
Gold: 45,000
Att: Base strength +50
Magical: LionHeart + 5 to magic, and strength

Iron Helm
Iron Helmet, not bad defense...and a good price, I swear!
Gold: 2500
Defense: Base Vital. + 5
Magical: None

Black Dragon's Soul
Black Dragons Soul ring, Ancient lore says it contains great powers, but at what cost?
Gold: 100,000
Give wearer + 25 to mag. and mag. resist, -15 to strength

Blood Rapier
Blood Rapier, this sword is very quick to cut, enemies should beware...
Gold: 1450
Att: Base Strength +10
Magical: Breeze, +1 to speed

Zegota's Wrath
Zegota's Wrath, truly one of the best armors in Jadian, as far as I know...
Gold: 180,000
Defense: Base Vital. +120
Magical: Wrath, + 10 to mag. resist

Ocean Amulet
Ocean Amulet, some say, it has been blessed by the gods, but what do you care? Buy!
Gold: 4000
Give wearer +2 to Vital. and Mag.